One among many such Saturdays there was one Saturday which different
from others, on which was a event of Mozilla in CMRIT college. The event
started with the warm welcomes of the host Mr.Aditya who later
introduced us to the speaker Mr.Madhukar Sistla.

later that morning Mr.Madhukar Sistla gave us a brief introduction on privacy and security.
which included
what is privacy and what are the risks related to internet privacy. I explained something about
After that, Santosh briefed about what all the topics are going to be covered in the session.

Starting with what a add-on basically is to the features of Firefox also presented with few facts like
1 million+ addd-ons everyday
70+ add-ons publish everyday
250+ million add-ons used everyday
2000+ users signup everyday
Later explained what webExtensions are.
Then he moved on to the anatomy of webExtension.

Continuing session there was a Introduction to Add-on Development
Basics of html, creations of webpages and basic functions, java script introduction was taught.
There was a session on brain storming.Then the ideas were expressed and reviewed later they were uploaded in Git hub, these ideas were given swags(goodies).

Aditya Singh
P Mounika
P L Madhuri
M Navya
G Mohith Chandra Sai
P Nithin
Photo credits: T Shashank

later that morning Mr.Madhukar Sistla gave us a brief introduction on privacy and security.
which included
what is privacy and what are the risks related to internet privacy. I explained something about
- Pishing
- Pharming
- Spyware
- Malware
- Cookies
- Digital Foot printing.
- Spying
- how to secure ourselves by securing our passwords and the use of Duck Duck Go instead of other search engines
After that, Santosh briefed about what all the topics are going to be covered in the session.
- Browser Add-ons
- webExtensions
- Anatomy of webExtensions
- Building your first add-ons

Starting with what a add-on basically is to the features of Firefox also presented with few facts like
1 million+ addd-ons everyday
70+ add-ons publish everyday
250+ million add-ons used everyday
2000+ users signup everyday
Later explained what webExtensions are.
Then he moved on to the anatomy of webExtension.

Continuing session there was a Introduction to Add-on Development
Basics of html, creations of webpages and basic functions, java script introduction was taught.
There was a session on brain storming.Then the ideas were expressed and reviewed later they were uploaded in Git hub, these ideas were given swags(goodies).

A huge thanks for
contributing to the event and making it a success. The CMRIT Firefox
club is planning for regular events and looking for full time contributors.
SO if you are interested, drop us a mail or leave a message on our facebook page.
For any feedback ,support and assistance do ping us.
CMRIT firefox team:SO if you are interested, drop us a mail or leave a message on our facebook page.
For any feedback ,support and assistance do ping us.
P Mounika
P L Madhuri
M Navya
G Mohith Chandra Sai
P Nithin
Photo credits: T Shashank
Article credits: G Swetha
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